Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (Ka – BHI) Reflection to Action

The Karnataka Brain Health Initiative is an effort by the state of Karnataka to improve the quality of life for people by promoting brain health. The initiative is focused on creating awareness and promoting the best practices for brain health. The goal is to reduce the prevalence of diseases that affect the brain and to improve the quality of life for people in Karnataka.
The Karnataka Brain Health Initiative is made up of a variety of partners, including the government, the private sector, and the community. These partners work together to create a network of resources and services that are available to people in Karnataka. The network includes hospitals, clinics, health centers, and other facilities
The brain health initiative is the first of its kind in India to be introduced by the state of Karnataka. It is spearheaded by NIMHANS Hospital, Bangalore, and is a project of NITI Aayog. As part of the program, doctors are trained in the examination and counseling of patients. Now, in the first phase, it will start operations in three districts, Bangalore, Kolar, and then Chikkaballapur.
Karnataka Health Minister Dr. Sudhakar said about this that since the start of covid, the things being done by NIMHANS by prioritizing the mental health of the people are commendable. This is a plan to further expand it and reduce health problems caused by mental health problems. As a part of this, all general physicians are taught about the improvement of mental health and given the necessary training.
Objectives of Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (Ka – BHI)
- Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (KBI) is a state-level initiative to improve the cognitive health of the citizens of Karnataka. KBI is a collaboration between the government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations.
- KBI’s aims are to increase access to quality cognitive health services for all Karnataka citizens, reduce the burden of cognitive disorders, and promote lifelong learning.
- KBI’s strategy is based on the principle that cognitive health is a social and environmental justice issue.
- KBI has five goals: to improve access to quality cognitive health services, reduce the burden of cognitive disorders, promote lifelong learning, create a conducive environment for cognitive research and innovation, and create a network of experts.
- KBI has five programs: Early Detection and Intervention Program (EDIP), Cognitive Enhancement Program (CEP), Mental Health Program (MHP), Geriatric Assessment and Management Program (GAMP)
Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (Ka – BHI) Reflection to Action Inaugural Programs
Date: 09/12/2022
Venue: Hall B, Convention Center, NIMHANS Bengaluru
Chief Guest: Dr. K Sudhakar (Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare and Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka)
Keynote Address: Prof. Vinod K. Paul (Hon’ble Member, NITI Ayog, Govt of India)
Presided by: Dr. Pratima Murthy (Director, NIMHANS)
Dr. B.S Shankaranarayana Rao (Registrar, NIMHANS)
9 am onwards: Registration:
9.30 – 10.45 am: Community Drum Circle for Brain Health
10.15 – 10.30 am: Group Photograph
10.30 – 10.35 am: Invocation
10.35 – 10.45 am: Welcome address by Dr. Girish N Rao (Professor of Epidemiology, NIMHANS)
10.45 – 11.05 am: Ka-BHI Reflections, Prof. Pratima Murthy (Director, NIMHANS)
11.05 – 11.45 am: Ka-BHI: An Update – Dr. Suvarna Alladi(Prof. and Head of Dept. Neurology, NIMHANS), Dr. Pramod K Pal (Prof. of Neurology, NIMHANS), Shri D. Randeep IAS (Commissioner, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka), Dr. Rajani (Deputy Director, Mental Health, DHS Govt. of Karnataka)
11.45 – 11.50 am: Launch of Health Care Access and Innovation Laboratory (HAIL) Website
11.50 – 12.10 pm: Keynote Address – Prof. Vinod K Paul, (Hon’ble Member, NITI Ayog, Govt of India)
12.10 – 12.30 pm: Address by the Chief Guest – Dr. K Sudhakar (Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare and Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka)
12.30 – 12.40 pm: Vote of Thanks – Dr. B.S Shankaranarayana Rao (Registrar, NIMHANS)
12.40 pm: Lunch
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