NIMHANS Out Patient Department | OPD Services


National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences(NIMHANS)
Hosur Road, Near Bangalore Milk Dairy, Bengluru, Karnataka – 5600029
Phone: 080 – 26995201 / 5202

A. Psychiatry OPD

New Cases(First Time)/Fresh Cases (F-15 in the first floor of OPD)
Follow up OPD (F-14 in the first floor of OPD)
  1. Deaddiction services: Saturday -New Cases/Fresh Cases OPD
    Mondays /Thursdays  – Follow up Deaddiction
  2. Geriatric Psychiatry: Saturday (at CAP OPD)
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Clinic: Tuesdays (1st Floor, Special Clinic, Staff Clinic Block)
  4. Schizophrenia Clinic: Wednesdays (1st Floor, Special Clinic, Staff Clinic Block)
  5. Perinatal Psychiatry Clinic: Fridays (1st Floor, Special Clinic, Staff Clinic Block)
  6. Tobacco Cessation Clinic: Thur, Sat, and Mon, along with deaddiction OPD

Child Adolescent Psychiatry(CAP)

Age Group: Children Up to 18 years
OPD opens every day except Sunday and government holidays
First Time Patients: Room No. G-13, Ground Floor, Main OPD Block
Follow-up: Room No. CAP200, Ground Floor, Main OPD Block 
Free medications (for psychiatry patients)
1. A few medications are available free of cost for those who are Below Poverty Line (BPL Cardholders in a case belonging to Karnataka state). These are given for 2 months at a time only.
2. Those who belong to states other than Karnataka need to produce an Income Certificate from their Tahsildhar and claim free drug benefits if they are eligible.
3. The free drugs will be provided after verification of documents and a fee of Rs. 100.00. You will be provided a free drug card that is valid for one year from the date of issue.
4. Please ask your doctor for a free drug prescription if you are eligible for one. If you have a free drug benefit, and if the drug prescribed by the doctor is unavailable in the free drug pharmacy (on the ground floor), then you should purchase that drug from any other pharmacy.

B. Neurology OPD

  1. Headache clinic: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 2:00 to 4:30 PM
  2. Cognitive Disorders(dementia due to Alzheimers, stroke, memory loss due to brain issues): All Thursdays 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm
  3. Refractory Epilepsy Clinic: 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10am to 2pm
  4. Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Clinic: 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10am to 2pm
  5. Neuromuscular Disorder: 4th Saturday Every Month
  6. Multiple Sclerosis and Neuro Myelitis Optic Clinic: 4th Saturday Every Month, F2 -OPD, Room No. 18
  7. Neuropathy Clinic: 2nd and 4th Fridays from 2pm to 4 pm, F2 – OPD

C. Neuro Surgery OPD

D. Speech Pathology and Audiology
